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Lee Cooper leveraged motion sensors to garner 18X CTR with an interactive campaign reaching over 6MN users



Lee Cooper


Lee Cooper - Life is Out There







about Lee Cooper

Lee Cooper is an English-American clothing & footwear company, that specializes in denim products, available worldwide. With a rich history of over a century, Lee Cooper has established its iconic status as the Original British denim brand.

what Lee Cooper wanted

to drive sales of its summer collection

to increase brand awareness among shoppers & travelers

to enhance customer engagement with a seamless user journey

to position Lee Cooper as the distinct choice for summer fashion

branding solution


scroller + sticker, gyroscope & accelerometer sensors, swipe function


data + contextual: males & females 20-40 years of age,

how the campaign was executed

  • With mCanvas’ interactive and immersive technology, we leveraged gyroscopic and accelerometer motion sensors to engage the user in outdoor summer environments, eliciting user curiosity and excitement.
  • The full-screen experience promoted Lee Cooper’s Summer Sale Collection by capturing consumer interest and attention, by inviting them to engage with the interactive mobile experience.
  • By offering enticing discounts and limited-time deals, the campaign boosted revenue by reaching the right audience in the right environment.




6.03 mn


engagement rate


avg time spent

11 secs

*18X higher than industry benchmarks

MOAT by Oracle


on Screen %

impressions where at least 1 pixel of the ad was in-view with focus


In-View %

unfiltered impressions where at least 50% of an ad was In-View for at least one continuous second


Fully On-Screen %

impressions where the ad surface was 100% on-screen for any period of time

campaign performance data

top 5 devices as per engagement


Jayesh Sali

Head of Marketing , Fashion & Lifestyle, Reliance Retail

“The goal was to spread awareness about Lee Cooper’s Summer Sale Collection. With our campaign 'Life is Out There,' we aimed to evoke a sense of adventure and exploration in our audience. The mobile ad took users on a journey to literally ‘step out in style’ into the woods, beaches, lakes and mountains – to essentially explore how ‘life is out there!’ We are thrilled working with mCanvas to create an exciting and unique mobile experience, which achieved 18 times the engagement rate expected.”

Rishi Sharma

Senior VP, mCanvas

“The main challenge was stand out among competitors, creating a seamless mobile experience that engaged the audience effortlessly. Using our signature blend of creativity and innovation, the ad caught the user’s attention, encouraging them to embrace new experiences and discover Life out there through the brand’s summer sale collection. Using a swipe-reactive panoramic screen along with motion sensors on mobile, we created an immersive & interactive experience that reached over 6 MN users, positioning Lee Cooper as the preferred choice for summer fashion.”

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