press release

Mumbai - May 16, 2023

This Mother's Day, TATA AIA Garners 15X Higher CTR With A Unique Interactive Mobile Campaign

The popular insurance provider partnered with mCanvas to draw a ring of protection around mothers and their children, to promote the Fortune Guarantee Supreme policy.

Mumbai - May 16, 2023: TATA AIA Life Insurance, one of the leading insurance providers in India, launched a special insurance campaign for Mother's Day.

The highly-trusted brand partnered with mCanvas and encouraged users to buy a personalized insurance policy: TATA AIA Life Insurance Fortune Guarantee Supreme, which provides guaranteed income starting from the very first month, with other special benefits for women such as a 2% discount on insurance premium.

With the campaign tagline 'A Mother's love is uncompromising. So should be your Mother's Day gift', the initiative helped to spread awareness about the unique policy offering financial stability and independence to women.

The TATA AIA Fortune Guarantee Supreme - Mother's Day campaign targeted working adults, 25-45 year-old males & females from 8 metros in India, on the occasion of Mother's Day to offer a special plan for their mothers. The campaign grabbed the attention of 4.7 MN users, and engaged them with a time-targeted ad that offered the perfect policy for their moms on Mother's Day.

To make this an engaging experience for users, the mobile campaign leveraged the touch sensor and tap functionality. Users were prompted to draw a circle on their phone screen which corresponded with a circular gift-box. The circle also had a direct correlation with the TATA AIA ring, which stands for protection & safety, keeping in sync with the brand's messaging.

Commenting on the campaign, Girish J Kalra, Chief Marketing Officer, TATA AIA Life Insurance said, “At Tata AIA, we are guided by consumer obsession, one of our core values. Further, women as consumers is a focus segment and we have introduced customized solutions for them. To reiterate our commitment to serve them in the best possible way, we unveiled a unique interactive campaign with mCanvas to salute our mothers. We are deeply encouraged by the terrific response and look forward to serving our consumers, especially women, with best-in-class solutions.” 

The mobile ad began with a scroller banner showing a family with a mother and two grown children, and the copy: “Give your mom the gift that keeps on giving.” If scrolled off screen, users saw a sticker tab on the right with a similar creative and a call-out to Mother's Day, creating intrigue. On tapping either scroller or sticker, the user was taken to a full screen ad with the message: “This Mother's Day, give your mother the gift of Guaranteed Fortune” integrating the policy name. With a dotted-circle in the centre of the screen, the ad prompted the user to 'Draw a Circle along the outline.' Once the user touched the screen and drew the circle, a gift-box with a red ribbon on top appeared in place of the circle.

Using animation, the gift-box transformed to show the TATA AIA logo in a blue and red ring, with product placement of the insurance policy name - Fortune Guarantee Supreme. The next step of animation moved the logo to the top of the screen, while the image of the mother and 2 adult children in the protective TATA AIA ring appeared at the bottom of the screen. The copy on the final screen said: “Life insurance that doesn’t compromise, just like your mother!” Below this, a carousel scrolled automatically, showing the USPs of the insurance policy. Once users tapped the CTA: KNOW MORE at the bottom of the screen, they were directed to the TATA AIA landing page, where they could further explore more about the policy and its features, before making a well-informed decision.

The Mother's Day campaign by TATA AIA achieved a 3.1% engagement rate, which was 15 times higher than industry standards. The mobile ad kept users invested for 8 seconds on average.

Rishi Sharma, Senior Vice President – Ad Sales, mCanvas concluded, “We wanted to communicate the key message of TATA AIA’s campaign, in an out-of-the-box way that got users emotionally invested. By understanding the brand, product and audience, we created an immersive mobile experience for young adults, to find the perfect insurance policy for their mothers - a gift that keeps on giving. We leveraged mobile sensors, compelling copy, and exciting creatives with animation to increase awareness and purchase intent, by promoting this special insurance policy for Mother's Day. A not-so-simple idea, turned into an interactive experience!”

About mCanvas:

mCanvas offers mobile branding solutions at scale that enable marketers to achieve campaign KPIs that matter - engagements, video views, and clicks. Over the past 7+ years, we have helped over 600 global brands drive high-impact display and video ads to over 300 million users, across premium mobile apps and websites. Our mobile ads integrate advanced features and sensors in the phone to provide users with disruptive ad experiences that are engaging and memorable. Our work has been recognised by industry stalwarts over the years, and has received over 90 renowned accolades. visit:, to learn more about what we have to offer.

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