press release

June 30, 2017

Flipkart’s disruptive battery-targeted ad ‘Never go low again’ drives 48% interaction rate

The ad by the storytelling platform witnessed 10 times higher engagement rate compared to standard banners

Storytelling ad platform, mCanvas recently joined hands with Dentsu Webchutney to create a disruptive advertisement for Lenovo P2 phone, which is currently available only on Flipkart.

As a part of the mandate from Flipkart, mCanvas conceptualized the ad based on the USP of Lenovo P2 which is its battery life. To get this message across to consumers, mCanvas targeted users whose battery was at 30% capacity or less battery life. While browsing through mCanvas partner websites, users with 30% or less battery life were prompted with the message “Never go low again”, post which information on Lenovo P2 was provided. The campaign saw 16 times the engagement rate compared to an industry average from advertisements, i.e., 4% compared to an average CTR of 0.25%. The videos of the campaign can be seen here - &

Commenting on the success of the campaign, Kartikeya Bhandari, Sr. Director, Flipkart said “There was a need to build a strong association between battery life and the Lenovo Powerhouse. But at a time when almost every smartphone includes ‘long battery life’ in its list of claims, it was essential for Lenovo P2 to showcase proof of the pudding through a clutter breaking execution. The Lenovo P2 Powerhouse banner combined media intelligence (targeting basis every phone’s in-built information on the system’s battery charge level) + insight  (the rampant Fear of Missing Out) + creativity (a banner that mimicked a call screen that projected Old Crush calling, before it went red and switched off) to drive the message. The banner also provided an innovative option to the ‘Buy Now’ CTA. The banner’s CTA allowed users to click on the ‘Remind me to buy’ button which scheduled a notification using Google Calendar, reminding users to buy when they were on full charge. It was a brave idea that brought together all faculties to create something unprecedented.”

The ad was created in a partnership with Dentsu Webchutney, one of India’s premier digital agencies.Gurjot Shah Singh, Head of Media, Dentsu Webchutney said, “As digital is getting more cluttered every day, we are working towards making ads more relevant and reaching out to right audiences, for this project we are glad to have partnered with mCanvas. It has been a symbiotic relationship where the efforts have resulted in an effective campaign for Flipkart. While several campaigns have used metrics to target specific demographics, this is the first time an ad has reached out to them from a battery perspective. We are constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation and relevance for the business of our clients.”

Nikita Ramrakhyani, National Sales Head for mCanvas said, “We wanted the powerful battery life of Lenovo P2 as the key message to resonate through our campaign. We used our advanced targeting capabilities to reach users who had under a desired battery %. We used our user friendly proprietary formats – Spotlight, Scroller and Sticker to highlight the brand’s message. In an age where attention span of users is under 8 seconds, we are glad that our campaign captured 11.4 seconds of engagement on the full screen ad.”

About mCanvas:

mCanvas is an experiential storytelling platform that helps brands emotionally connect with their audiences on small screens. Our mobile ads and content marketing solutions make experiences interactive and memorable by etching phone sensors and device features in to the brand narrative. mCanvas is creating ‘wow’ moments every day by reinventing formats, building tools and providing a marketplace (of 70+ publishers like Moneycontrol, RepublicWorld, TheHindu, ScoopWhoop, and SportsKeeda) to run these experiences at scale. To see our award-winning work and learn more visit:

Media Contact:
Nigel Dsouza
9619441315 / 022-40360100

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